Harish AN

The managerial training session made us make changes in our daily routine work. It has taught us a few management aspects which we adopted in our work. In such aspects, one was ‘Delegation’. The meaning of delegation is assigning the workload or responsibility to our subordinates. After attending the training program on Delegation, I listed some tasks to delegate and to whom I need to delegate. Accordingly, I assigned the work to my subordinates, and I will be monitoring them at each level. So that it makes them learn more and helps them to know their responsibility in their work. And for me as a manager helps me to concentrate on the important work where my presence is required.
And the second was ‘Time management’. As we are working on a farm and need to deal with many no. of crops and varieties. And many times, the work will get coincide and sometimes will get confused to assign the work based on priority. In this case, our training session on Time management teaches us how we can manage the work within the given time and shows how much time is precious. And we adopted this method of time management which we learned from the session. As soon as the day starts first, we will spend a minute listing out the work that needs to do and classify the work accordingly–
- Urgent and Important
- Not Urgent but Important
- Urgent but not important
- Not urgent and not Important
Based on this formula we will list the works to be done to the above category and give priority to the works and at the end of the day maximum, we are completing the works. This is how we are utilizing the learned managerial aspects effectively in our regular works.